Pitching stories to the media is a powerful way to share the impact, values and service at the heart of Key Club’s mission.
Why pitch stories?
Pitching stories to the media is like opening a window to showcase the incredible work Key Club members do within their communities. It serves several purposes:
- Amplifying impact. Media coverage helps extend the reach of Key Club projects and initiatives, inspiring more people to get involved and contribute to positive change.
- Building awareness. Sharing stories with the media creates awareness about Key Club’s mission and values and the importance of youth-led service.
- Inspiring others. When people read or hear about the difference Key Club members are making, it encourages them to take action in their own communities.
Here’s how to pitch stories:
- Find your media outlets. Search online for contacts at local newspapers, radio and television stations several weeks before your service project or feel-good story. In the “contact us” or “about us” section, search for the reporter who covers education or youth. You also can try the “contact us” email address/link. Follow the media outlet and specific reporters on social media. And be sure to look over our brand guide.
- Preparation is key. Be creative and make a compelling pitch so your message isn’t lost. Identify the story angle and include visuals such as high-quality photos, videos or graphics that enhance the story. Visual content makes the story more engaging and increases the chances of media coverage. Give each member talking points to keep a consistent message. Prepare a brief description of Key Club and Kiwanis, facts about your club, number of members, service projects and contributions to local and global causes.
- Write a news release. Include the 5 Ws: who, what, when, where and why. Be sure someone edits your news release. Email the release and a photo to your contacts. Don’t send the release as an attachment; include it in the body of the email. Include contact information for your club. Don’t forget to include your school’s media outlet (s).
- Follow up. If a story runs, send a thank-you email to the reporter. If it doesn’t run, upload your story and photo to the public Facebook pages of local media. Invite your contacts to a service project or meeting and start a conversation. Offer to be a source for future stories about volunteering, service and Key Club. Best practices encourage persistence, professionalism and politeness. Always include your contact information when sending out any information or news release.
Go to keyclub.org/grouping/marketing for marketing ideas.