Born and raised in wild and wonderful West Virginia, International Trustee Hannah Povroznik describes service as her connection to family, values and roots. “I remember volunteering as a young child, whether at a local soup kitchen, church or a humane society. My parents instilled compassion and a love for stewardship.” In high school, the kind and inspiring leaders of her local Key Club sparked her to continue her service journey, from the club to international level. While Key Club is her passion, she also enjoys the violin, which she has played for nine years. Hannah also serves as her school’s Ki-Cu-Wa Yearbook editor and leads Boxing It Up to Give Thanks, a food insecurity initiative she founded in 2017 that has raised over US$60,000 to provide a traditional Thanksgiving meal to 12,200 people in West Virginia. “While the program accomplished a feat through community support, I am more thankful Boxing It Up serves as inspiration: showcasing the power of a single idea, the importance of servitude and the impact leaders can cultivate.” After graduating high school, Hannah plans to study biochemistry, with a desire to pursue a career in medicine where she can continue impacting the lives of those around her.