Download: Candidate Packet | Delegate Packet
The election process can be daunting if you’ve never experienced it before. Here’s what to expect:
- Meet and Greet: Candidates chat with members and share their campaign goals.
- Caucusing: Candidates answer questions and speak to every Key Club district on Thursday afternoon, July 6. Key Club members share their votes with their district’s delegates.
- Nominating Conference: Key Club district governors and international board members narrow down the slate of candidates on Friday morning, July 7.
- House of Delegates: Candidates speak and answer questions. Delegates use Robert’s Rules of Order and the standing rules to discuss the proposed amendments and vote for their club’s preferred candidates.
Check out the following proposed amendments for the 2023 House of Delegates. Your voice matters. Download here.
These are the candidates for election to the 2023-24 Key Club International Board. Read more about the candidates here.
Candidates for president
Ahmed Eldeeb, Florida District
Blake Corbisier, Nebraska-Iowa District
Kyle Hanson, Pacific Northwest District
Uyen Bui, Rocky Mountain District
Candidates for vice president
Maria Eileen Wheeler, Eastern Canada District
Taylor Petrofski, Georgia District
Candidates for trustee
Ethan Schmidt, Alabama District
Paul Mercer, Alabama District
Alyssa Kline, California-Nevada-Hawaii District
Tyler Truong, California-Nevada-Hawaii District
Lynn Luong, California-Nevada-Hawaii KIWIN’s District
Riya Bajpai, Capital District
Emily Dudash, Carolinas District
Lina Umar, Eastern Canada District
Alex Trinh, Florida District
Allan An, Florida District
Becca Brown, Illinois-Eastern Iowa District
Maya Tolentino, Illinois-Eastern Iowa District
Nicole Bunag, Indiana District
Shivam Chauhan, Indiana District
Ghabrielle Rhoden, Jamaica District
Ramonique Morris, Jamaica District
Jalsley Sarpong, Kentucky-Tennessee District
Ian Opel, Michigan District
Soyome Getachew, Minnesota-Dakotas District
Willa Vogen, Minnesota-Dakotas District
Abigail Choi, New York District
Cindy Zou, New York District
Chloe Panh, Pacific Northwest District
Rabbani Batra, Pacific Northwest District
Zohaib Rahman, Pennsylvania District
Jaymi Gile, Rocky Mountain District
David Robaina, Southwest District
Minori Kikuchi, Texas-Oklahoma District
Trinh Luong, Texas-Oklahoma District