When your Key Club does something amazing, share that with the rest of the world. How? It’s easy.

  • Find your local newspaper and television stations online. In the “contact us” or “about us” section, search for the reporter who covers education or youth. If one isn’t listed, use the email address for the news desk or city desk (print) or news editor or assignment editor (TV). You can also try the “contact us” email address/link. Follow the media outlet and specific reporters on social media.
  • Write a news release. Include the 5Ws: who, what, when, where and why. Need help getting started? Use our news release template. Be sure someone edits your news release. Email the release, with a photo, to your contacts. Don’t send the release as an attachment; include it in the body of the email. Include contact information for your club.
  • If a story runs, tweet and/or email a thank-you to the reporter. If it doesn’t run, upload your story and photo to the public Facebook pages of local media. Invite your contacts to a service project or meeting and start a conversation. Offer to be a source for future stories about volunteering, service and Key Club.

Here is an excellent example of a featured Key Club:
