By Key Club member May Coba  

In Barranquilla, Colombia, the Key Club Altamira International School has been working with our school’s book club to create a better learning environment for the kids at a local school in Salgar.  

That’s why the Books for a Cause campaign started in November. Thanks to the campaign, we were able to donate more than 100 books to the school. Given that the school doesn’t have a library, we also did some fun fundraisers to create a library and buy school materials and decorations.  

This is where Sweet Day comes into play. An initiative by one of our members, Sweet Day featured a bake sale of sweets — and a chance to spread kindness around campus. We handed out free notes with a sweet message to students and staff. We also created a board of kind “dares,” encouraging little kids to either hug their favorite teacher or say something sweet to their best friend.  

It was such an enriching experience to see the hundreds of smiles — in addition to raising enough money for materials needed to create the library at the local school. This is not an activity we are used to at school or in our local community, and we plan to keep on having more Sweet Days — hopefully with the kids at the local school in Salgar.